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The implicit and the explicit: Their impact on literary translation

Posted on:1997-12-05Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)Candidate:Garcia Lopez, RosarioFull Text:PDF
Our theoretical approach considers the literary text as well as any other text as an act of communication. Its textual specificity is based on two possible factors: the particular relationship between what is meant to be communicated, the nature of it and the means of doing so.; In this research, we aim at analysing and drawing conclusions on the factors that intervene in the production of a literary text. Such factors are closely linked with the very author of the text, given that the product of his intentions and objectives is highly subjective in its form and context. Hence its relevance as far as communication is concerned. One of these factors has a great impact on the comprehension of the original text to be translated: the use of the implicit.; The author of literary texts consciously and unconsciously goes to great lengths to implicitly transmit feelings and emotions since this genre gives a personal view of the world and of life's experiences. The translator, in order to fully understand the meaning of the text, must interpret the author's message.; The object of this analysis is to detect this consciousness and unconsciousness, through locating its various markers which can be both linguistic and extralinguistic, the former being determined by the latter. These markers indicate an implicit intention and are achieved by various means, for example prose, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semiotics and focalisation, and specifically tropos, whose communicative value, at times, it is imperative to know in order to find the coherence of an apparently incoherent text. Thus is the case of the text which we have used as the empirical object for our research.; The text in this instance is found in the works of Marguerite Duras, and particularly in Moderato Cantabile, given its special and significant use of the implicit, which gives rise to a particularly tropic text. This characteristic of the text is fundamental for its comprehension.; Following an interpretative analysis of this text geared towards its comprehension, an evaluative analysis of the two existing translations into Spanish has been carried out to verify our initial intuitions as to the choice of linguistic elements which are equally communicative in the target culture and which conserve in the target text the idiolectical sense of the original, i.e. its meaning and the expression of the same. We have ascertained that, in general terms, the said translations are not overly preoccupied with the translation of the aforesaid elements, which is why, in our opinion, they should not be considered as true target texts of the original.; Our theoretical intuitions, confirmed to a great extent by both analyses and the pertinent conclusions, are gathered in the first volume of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Text, Literary, Implicit
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