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Adherence in adult onset diabetics related to self-esteem

Posted on:1999-09-21Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Harthrong, RogerFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this descriptive correlational study was to examine Type 2 diabetic clients and the relationship between self-esteem and adherence, using a sample of 50 subjects. Two objective methods of measuring adherence included hemoglobin A{dollar}rmsb{lcub}1C{rcub}{dollar} (Hb A{dollar}sb{lcub}rm 1c{rcub}{dollar})as measured by the American Diabetes Association (ADA, 1996) and satisfactory weight control as measured by Pi-Sunyer's Body Mass Index (BMI) (Pi-Sunyer, 1992). Participant's perception of self-esteem was evaluated by the Soares Self-Perception Inventory Questionnaire (Soares & Soares, 1985).; Results indicated that BMI was the strongest predictor of adherence and correlated positively with high self-esteem. Hb A{dollar}sb{lcub}rm 1c{rcub}{dollar}, although a good indicator of diabetic control, was shown to be statistically insignificant in this study when related to self-esteem. Implications are discussed, and suggestions for future research are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-esteem, Adherence
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