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Employment barriers and Aboriginal working life: Towards a representative workplace in Saskatchewan

Posted on:2004-11-18Degree:M.V/TEdType:Thesis
University:The University of Regina (Canada)Candidate:Klyne, Richard JFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was twofold; first to describe and analyze the broad barriers to employment and retention experienced by a group of Aboriginal employees who work for Saskatchewan government organizations; and second, to provide some recommendations for the reduction or elimination of those barriers to make the workplace more representative and inclusive of the Aboriginal population of this province. A key issue in this study was the exploration of participants' understandings of the meaning of a Representative Workplace in relation to Employment Equity, Diversity, and the former Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs' Representative Workforce Strategy. Evidence exists to suggest social, economic, cultural, and racial oppression within the context of Aboriginal people's ability to participate in today's workplace. The principal method for data collection for this study was semi-structured interviews involving the use of open-ended questionnaires. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Employment, Barriers, Aboriginal, Representative, Workplace
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