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Directing As You Like It: From conception to performance

Posted on:2012-09-30Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Mackay, David BruceFull Text:PDF
As You Like It is regarded as one of Shakespeare's mature comedies in that he combines both serious and comic subject matter. Hired by Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival in Vancouver, Canada, I was granted permission by Temple University to submit this production as my thesis. Approaching the play from an objective perspective proved initially difficult due to the vast multitude of research materials and my personal experience of having twice performed in the play. However, by analyzing Shakespeare's text, and approaching the play from the ending first, I was able to discover my unique conceit on directing the play. Set during the English Civil War, I was able to establish the necessary two worlds of the play, a Puritan Court and an English Cavalier Forest of Arden. Through a series of six chapters I explain my process from conception to production, as well, I also evaluate my growth as a director during this artistic achievement. A Director's Script, Costume Sketches, an early Set Design and Reviews support my journey to Opening Night of As You Like It.
Keywords/Search Tags:Approaching the play
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