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Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Texas dietetic professionals regarding functional foods, nutraceuticals and herbs as complementary medicine

Posted on:2002-05-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Lamar University - BeaumontCandidate:Barousse, Chantal GraceFull Text:PDF
This study determined knowledge, attitudes and practices of Texas dietetic professionals regarding functional foods, nutraceuticals and herbs. Results indicated participants were slightly knowledgeable to somewhat knowledgeable regarding functional foods/nutraceuticals (83%) and herbs (78%). More participants believed that functional foods/nutraceuticals were effective for prevention (83%) and treatment (67%) purposes than herbs were for prevention (40%) and treatment (43%) purposes. More (45%) participants believed that functional foods/nutraceuticals were safer than herbs (10%). The majority used and recommended functional foods/nutraceuticals more than herbs within the past year. In conclusion, steps should be taken to further educate and train dietetic professionals in functional foods, nutraceuticals and herbs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Functional, Herbs, Dietetic professionals
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