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The experiences of mid-career professionals in a non-traditional Master's program

Posted on:2003-11-29Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Stuart, Caroline LouiseFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the experiences of a group of mid-career professionals enrolled in a non-traditional Master's program at a Canadian University. The study focused on two key non-traditional components of the program: problem-based learning, and self-assessment techniques. The study explored the experiences of non-traditional teaching techniques, as well as the long term influences on individuals' learning and workplace practice.; The research for this thesis was done in two parts. First, a questionnaire was sent to all the students (graduate and present) of the program since 1996. Following the questionnaire, eight telephone interviews were conducted to obtain further information regarding students' experiences in the program.; Many students reported great satisfaction with their experience of the nontraditional teaching techniques. Generally, the most valuable long term outcomes indicated by the majority of questionnaire and interview respondents were: (1) understanding and managing group process; and (2) increased self-knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experiences, Non-traditional, Program
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