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Healing waves

Posted on:2012-01-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Osborn, SamFull Text:PDF
Ocean therapy is an emergent type of alternative treatment that uses surfing and other ocean related activities such as kayaking to treat various types of physical and mental injuries. Various groups have used surfing to assist in addiction recovery, as well as the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and even to assist the physical and psychological recovery from amputations.;This documentary focuses on the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation and Ampsurf, two California-based organizations that promote and implement ocean therapy programs. Ampsurf is geared primarily towards amputees and veterans, while the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation works towards the rehabilitation of the active-duty Marines of the Wounded Warrior Battalion in Camp Pendleton, California.;The purpose of this story is to showcase ocean therapy, as well as portray the medical reasons behind why such therapy is effective. To achieve this, experts ranging from psychologists to medical doctors who work with the affected populations are portrayed. Also, this documentary tells the stories of those people who have turned to ocean therapy to help them with their personal challenges, and illuminates the effects that this has had on their lives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ocean therapy
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