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Les metabolites microbiens dans le traitement de l'eau potable (French text)

Posted on:2004-02-15Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Dandres, ThomasFull Text:PDF
The two main objectives in algal toxins problematic are to complete study of algal toxins toxicity and to develop a detection method that could be easily use in water treatment plant.; An alternative solution to the water treatment against undesirable metabolites is to avoid undesirable micro-organism proliferations in raw water by application of prevention measures. It is possible to limit the growth of undesirable micro-organisms by using biocid, by limiting nutrient concentration in water, by doing biomanipulation on the ecosystem and sometimes by managing hostile hydraulic conditions for microorganisms. Among prevention measures, nutrient control gives the best results for long run. In addition, assuming microbial metabolite problematic is relied to the eutrophisation phenomena, it is clever to choose prevent measures against undesirable microbial metabolites which also prevent eutrophisation (such as nutrient control) to eliminate undesirable microbial metabolites instead of solve the problem by treating water in water treatment plant. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Metabolites, Water treatment, Undesirable
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