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Energy conservation and human behaviours: The Professional Faculties Building in the University of Calgar

Posted on:1999-07-20Degree:M.E.DesType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Wong, Sheila See-MingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014470622Subject:Environmental Science
An energy audit was conducted to investigate energy conservation in the Professional Faculties Building in the University of Calgary. The audit examined the energy profile of the building and identified energy conserving opportunities. Two kinds of energy saving measures were identified: technological fixes and operational changes. The saving potentials of operational measures alone are appreciable and were estimated to be about $50,000 per year, based on an annual energy expenditure of $450,000. Operational measures require behaviour changes of both the occupants and the building operators, and therefore human behaviours play an important role in the success of these measures. This project studied the building occupants through a questionnaire survey. The survey results indicated occupants' preferences respecting a number of energy conserving measures, and their attitudes towards energy conservation. Four behavioural strategies, under a social-psychological approach, are discussed together with their applications on university campuses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, Professional faculties building, University, Human behaviours
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