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Building occupancy and energy conservation in institutional buildings of the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Posted on:2011-01-01Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Alabama at BirminghamCandidate:Kajale, AtulFull Text:PDF
uilding occupancy and lighting surveys were conducted in various campus buildings of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in 2007 (summer and fall semesters) and 2008 (spring and summer semesters) to investigate their energy performance. The details of the occupancy, lighting, and utility bills of the Business Engineering Complex, Humanities Building, Hill University Center, Ryals School of Public Health, and Sterne Library are discussed in this thesis. The after-hour occupancy was very low in most of the buildings surveyed and, at the same time, there were several unoccupied and fully lit rooms. In order to reduce energy waste, the operating hours of the building should be changed slightly. Lighting controls such as occupancy sensors should be installed in the classrooms, conference rooms, offices, and restrooms to minimize the energy waste. Installation of occupancy sensors in 17 classrooms of Business Engineering complex could save approximately...
Keywords/Search Tags:Occupancy, Energy, Building, University
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