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An assessment of the utility of power cycle theory in understanding the escalation of tensions in the Russo-American relationship, 1991--200

Posted on:2001-09-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Belopolsky, HelenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014460532Subject:International Law
This thesis determines the viability of the power cycle theoretical model in explaining increasing tensions in relations between the United States and the Russian Federation. This model addresses the disequilibria existing in Russia's power-role equation, and American perceptions of Russia's geopolitical role and capabilities. Russia's geostrategic behaviours result from ongoing discordances in its conceptions of its capabilities versus its international position. Furthermore, America's incursion into Russia's historical sphere of influence and Russia's construction of strategic alliances evidence the practical manifestations of conflict in Russo-American relations. Power cycle theory is of great utility in assessing both current bilateral relations and in projecting future interaction. Conflict between the United States and Russia is likely to persist as a result of structural realities in the international system. Only if Russian capabilities begin to converge with Russia's international role will conflictual interaction in this bilateral relationship likely cease.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power cycle, Relations, Russia's
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