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Evaluation of the Student Housing Extension Community Garden Plot Program

Posted on:2002-10-15Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Larsen, Melanie BoothFull Text:PDF
his study was designed to determine if the Student Housing Extension Garden Plot Program meets the needs of the participants. Twenty-seven of the 40 gardeners in 2000 completed a survey, which gathered socio-demographic and descriptive data. Eighty-eight percent of the respondents were either "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with the garden program. All of the respondents used the produce from their gardens for themselves or their families and 96.30% also shared the food with their neighbors, 70.3 7% preserved the food, and 14.81% donated some to the food pantry.;The majority of the garden participants were young families with one or more of the spouses enrolled at Utah State University and also employed. A content analysis showed that this program gave the participants educational, communal, and personal benefits, and a desire to rent a plot another year. In 1984 the produce yield was...
Keywords/Search Tags:Plot, Garden, Program
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