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Numerical and experimental simulation of corona-induced vibration on a short conductor submitted to artificial rain

Posted on:2002-02-15Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (Canada)Candidate:Derakhshanian, MahinFull Text:PDF
Under wet conditions, occurrence of corona on high voltage transmission lines could cause vibration of conductors. This kind of vibration, referred to as corona-induced vibration, could lead to fatigue of conductors and supporting elements. It has been established that the intermittent presence of corona space charge and ionic wind are the main causes of this phenomenon.; The main objective of the present Master's thesis is the laboratory and numerical simulations of the corona-induced vibration of short soft and ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) conductors.; For the laboratory simulation, a physical model already used in previous works of the Research Group on Atmospheric Environment Engineering (GRISA), is employed. This model consisting of a conductor placed in the centre of a mesh cage allowed to investigate the influence of different factors on the vibration of high voltage conductors under artificial rain. The results of the experimental simulations are launched to the numerical model to perform the numerical simulations.; Finite Element Method is used to develop the numerical model. To present a practical model that can be validated with experimental results, two numerical models are developed. The first model, considered as a basic model, is developed for a smooth conductor, while the second one, applied to the ACSR conductor, is intended to complement the basic model. The forces involved in the constitution of water drops and their ejection from a high voltage conductor are numerically modelled by using the previous researches and selecting the best combination of these forces. The inputs for these two numerical models are applied to COSMOS software and the simulations are performed.; To validate the numerical results obtained by the numerical simulations, the experimental results are used to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Numerical, Vibration, Conductor, Experimental, High voltage, Results, Model
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