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Architecture and impermanence: The re-thinking of territories

Posted on:2004-04-30Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Zbinden, Sven EricFull Text:PDF
This thesis investigates the notion of ‘deterritorialization’ of which the focus is a house. This house is understood as a frame that is juxtaposed against systems that move through and overlap with the said house-frame. For the purpose of this study, the systems that interact with the house-frame have been limited to: light, wind, temperature, water, and sound.; As these systems engage with the house-frame, one's previously perceived perception of the house is momentarily shifted and re-directed to another: space is seen as a process of intensities, difference, and durations. Such space allows for the spontaneity of discovery, forgetting, continuity, discontinuity, definition, and re-definition.
Keywords/Search Tags:House frame
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