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Campaigns of corporate social responsibility: The case of Canadian oil producer EnCana (Ecuador)

Posted on:2006-03-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Windsor (Canada)Candidate:Demant, DavidFull Text:PDF
In the increasingly legitimized neo-liberal climate, state governments have adopted policies that divest themselves of formalized regulation. This move towards the deregulation of corporate policy has created a unique climate in which the responsibility of minimizing risk and behaving in a responsible manner is left to market forces to regulate. Corporations claim to have subsequently adopted self-mandated policies of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a means of expressing their commitment to moral concerns. The Case of Canadian oil producer EnCana illustrates that while the admirable moral policy may exist, actual practice does not. EnCana's negligent environmental and social behaviour in Ecuador necessitate an examination of how an unregulated doctrine of corporate social responsibility can be used to harm the public good. Its use of a corporate constitution not only as a public relations ploy to enhance its reputation, but also as a smoke-screen to deter attention from the reality of its practices, raises serious questions regarding the validity of a CSR doctrine. This article connects theoretical discussions of neo-liberal policy and the rise of corporate social responsibility to practical problems that plague the implementation of such policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corporate social responsibility, Policies
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