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An evaluative framework for assessing information management in watershed management: The case of the Grand River Conservation Authority (Ontario)

Posted on:2005-02-21Degree:M.E.SType:Thesis
University:Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)Candidate:Brown, Robert ScottFull Text:PDF
Watershed management has been rapidly evolving over the last 50 years. The current focus has been adaptive and ecosystem-based approaches to watershed management, redefining roles, responsibilities, and relationships of watershed organizations. While entire management models need to be heavily scrutinized, the practices and policies surrounding information are fundamentally important. Information forms the understanding and knowledge for watershed decision-making. Watershed organizations need to be critical of the policies and practices affecting their collection, storage, processing, analysis, monitoring, and reporting of data and information.; Among the Conservation Authorities, the GRCA has developed a proficiency at information management, doing it as well as any other watershed agency in the Province. Through interviewing participants involved in the information management process with the GRCA, drawing on experiences from other significant watershed management organizations, and reviewing the relevant literature, this research critically assesses information management practices. This supports the development of an evaluative framework for information management, designed to aid practitioners in the assessment of their own information practices and policies. Specifically, this framework identifies areas for identifying areas in need of improvement within a watershed management agency, including information planning and design; data management, processing, and design; data management, processing, and analysis; information sharing and coordination; information management technology; and internal and external considerations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management, Framework
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