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Three-dimensional interactivity vs. two-dimensional interactivity: Using three-dimensional technology for Web navigation

Posted on:2005-10-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Page, JesseFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008977451Subject:Information Science
To date, most web sites that have utilized 3D technology have been purely exploratory. That is, the user only has the capability to navigate around the environment without point and click capabilities. Like flash, the interest level pertaining to 3D technology and its use in web development has dwindled amongst users. There is a craving for more interactive 3D interfaces that allow for point and click interactivity. Can 3D technology be used as a functional, efficient component in interface design for the web?;The objective of my thesis was this: to create a functional, efficient website that utilized 3D technology for navigation and to display content, and then test its functionality and practicality by subjecting it to user testing. Ultimately, this testing helped to give an indication as to whether 3D technology would be a viable alternative to 2D technology in the production and development of web sites.
Keywords/Search Tags:3D technology, Web, Interactivity
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