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Locating services for mobile agents

Posted on:2006-04-20Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Song, LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008468638Subject:Computer Science
One of the main challenges of mobile agent technology is how to locate hosts that provide services specified by the mobile agent. As it is a newly emerging research topic, few research groups have paid attention to offering an environment that combines the concept of service discovery and mobile agents to build dynamic distributed systems. Traditional Service Discovery Protocols (SDPs) can be applied to mobile agent systems to explore the service discovery issue. However, because of their architecture deficiencies, they do not adequately solve all the problems that may arise in a dynamic domain such as Database Location Discovery. From this point of view, we need some enhanced service discovery techniques for the mobile community.; This thesis proposes a new model for solving the database service location problem in the domain of mobile agents by implementing a Service Discovery Module based on search engine techniques. As a typical interface provided by a mobile agent server, the Service Discovery Module also improves the self-decision intelligent ability of mobile agents with respect to Information Retrieval. This work focuses on the design of an independent search engine, IMAGOSearch and a discussion of how to integrate it with the IMAGO System, thus providing a global scope service discovery tool for mobile agents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile, Service
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