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Pre-Dynastic Chinese imagery: A basis for contemporary quilt design

Posted on:2006-11-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Beevers, SuzanneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008972094Subject:Art history
Decorative motifs common to Pre-Dynastic China can be used to develop contemporary quilts. Three Eras, each of which has substantial cultural variations are discussed in depth. Neolithic China (5000--1900 BCE) a period of cultural development and jade working cultures, Early Bronze Age China, the Erlitou and Shang cultures (20th--11th century BCE), a time of early religious belief, the development of ritual bronze vessels and accompanying decorative imagery, and Zhou China (11 th--3rd century BCE) a period of political upheaval. The influence of invading Northern Tribes, and the Southern Cultures have a significant effect on the decorative imagery of the period.; Two images in particular are used in each quilt bi and leiwen. These images are prevalent on early Chinese artifacts, although the meaning of these motifs altered subtly as the cultures evolved. They are incorporated into three quilts, which portray three distinctly different events in my life: "Skiing by Moonlight", "Autumn: Evening Walk", and "Cycles".
Keywords/Search Tags:Three, Imagery, China
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