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'Between the Dream and Reality': Divination in the Novels of Cormac McCarthy

Posted on:2014-05-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:East Tennessee State UniversityCandidate:Kottage, Robert AFull Text:PDF
Divination is a trope Cormac McCarthy employs time and again in his work. Augury, haruspicy, cartomancy, voodoo, sortition and oneiromancy all take their places in the texts, overtly or otherwise, as well as divination by bloodshed (a practice so ubiquitous as to have no formal name). But mantic practices which aim at an understanding of the divine mind prove problematic in a universe that often appears godless.or worse.;My thesis uses divination as the starting point for a close reading of each of McCarthy&...
Keywords/Search Tags:Divination
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