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Oral accounts of the Sa skya 'bag mo, past and present voices of the terrifying witches of Sa sky

Posted on:2013-07-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Conrad, Sara MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008990269Subject:Cultural anthropology
The article by Pema Wangdu entitled, "Sa skya'i `bag mo zhes pa byung tshul lo rgyus ngag rgyun du chags pa `ga' zhig", was printed by G.yum tsho, The Journal of Tibetan Women's Studies in 1995 by the Amnye Machen Institute. The Sa skya `bag mo seem to be well known in modern oral legend and although the `bag mo are sometimes mentioned in academic literature, substantial texts are not dedicated to them and they are usually mentioned simply in passing or in a footnote. For this research, I translated the article by Pema Wangdu and additionally conducted interviews with five Tibetans from diverse backgrounds, in order to discover if modern oral legends of the Sa skya `bag mo are still flourishing in the present day. In this paper, I seek to advance the knowledge of the Sa skya `bag mo in a particular moment and time through narrations, from Tibetans who have heard the oral histories and accounts of them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sa skya, Oral, `bag mo
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