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A place apart: The harm of solitary confinement

Posted on:2013-12-18Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Campbell, AlexandraFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the world of solitary confinement within the prison system. My research was inspired by Ashley Smith, a 19-year old segregated inmate who died in isolation while seven guards watched. This outrageous occurrence prompted me to question the practice of solitary confinement and a prison system in which such an event could occur. Studying the history of solitary confinement left me surprised to learn that it was originally intended as a therapeutic and merciful alternative to the punishments of the day. This revelation was one of a series of inversions that led me to conclude that solitary confinement is a world apart, not just physically, but also socially, temporally and legally. I have concluded that improving the lives of those segregated within our prisons requires the world of solitary confinement to become anchored within the broader legal and social context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solitary confinement, Prison system
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