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Computational and statistical approaches to the study of the genetic bases of human diseases

Posted on:2006-03-02Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Kao, Ming-Chih JeffreyFull Text:PDF
The sequencing of the human genome and the development of various technologies to make large-scale biological measurements in parallel are two of the many advances that heralded a new chapter in the study of the genetic bases of human diseases. While promising, these new types of scientific investigations present a number of challenging computational and statistical issues. In this thesis my various collaborative research projects on the analysis of expression profiling data (HumanUpstream, local Markov model, shortest path analysis, and psoriasis expression profiling) and on exact family-based association tests are presented, and their respective future directions of development discussed. Notably, the psoriasis gene expression profiling data analysis project makes use of many of the methods and results of the others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human, Expression profiling
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