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Inhibitors in community gardens: Variation depending upon mission focus and potential solutions

Posted on:2006-09-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of DelawareCandidate:D'Agostino, Scott PatrickFull Text:PDF
Community gardening is a nationwide phenomenon with purposes as diverse as the population of community gardeners. Community gardens can provide social/political, physiological, educational, psychological, horticultural, environmental and economic benefits for their participants. Community greening organizations have been created in urban and suburban areas to provide assistance in developing community gardens. The missions of these organizations can be to beautify, educate, enhance environmental quality, promote community development, revitalize neighborhoods, and improve economic conditions. The researcher investigated the variety of missions adopted by community gardening organizations, the inhibitors to success in their community garden projects, and potential solutions to these inhibitors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Inhibitors
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