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Psychiatric morbidity of stroke in Hong Kong Chinese patients: Dementia and depression

Posted on:2006-07-12Degree:M.DType:Thesis
University:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Candidate:Tang, Wai KwongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008456238Subject:Health Sciences
There has been a paucity of data on the frequency, clinical correlates and methods of screening of poststroke dementia (PSDE) and depression (PSD) in Chinese populations. The objective of this thesis is to examine the prevalence, diagnostic criteria and clinical correlates of PSDE and PSD in Chinese stroke patients in Hong Kong. A series of studies were all carried out; the author of the thesis had interviewed all the subjects 1--3 months after their index stroke and made the diagnosis of dementia and depression according to the DSM-IV criteria.;PDSE are common (19.6%) in the local stroke population. Both premorbid factors as well as stroke-related factors contribute to the development of PRSD and PSDE. The application of different diagnostic criteria for PSDE will affect the frequency and the associated radiological characteristics. As regards the screening methods of PSDE, a more specific instrument should supplement the IQCODE or MDRS-IP in a two-stage screening procedure.;PSD is also common (16--17%) among local stroke survivors. Both psychosocial factors and the location of cerebrovascular lesions play an important role in the development of PSD. PSD in local Chinese seems to have a favorable short-term outcome in comparison with their Caucasian counterparts. With regard to the screening of PSD in Chinese, we found that both the GDS and HADS depression subscale have a satisfactory response rate and accuracy in detecting PSD. However, due to the relative low frequency of PSD in the local stroke population, a more specific instrument should supplement the GDS in a two-stage screening procedure. Finally, the familiarity of the rater with the subjects based on a preexisting therapeutic relationship did not influence the accuracy of screening for PSD in Chinese patients.
Keywords/Search Tags:PSD, Stroke, Chinese, Screening, Dementia, Depression
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