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Entertainment: An Architectural Prototype

Posted on:2012-10-02Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Berkenbosch, CurtisFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390011956131Subject:Business Administration
A response to architecture in a consumer-driven environment The increasing social influence of media corporations raises important questions in architecture. This thesis studies the "extreme" architectural models of the theme park, tourist resort, and entertainment district. The techniques and technologies that have brought these models success merit closer study.;Market research and advertising campaigns present feedback loops with potential for architectural research and experimentation. This thesis proposes to manipulate public love of novelty in a hybrid resort-laboratory prototype. Within this environment, greater forms of complexity can find public funding and new technologies can be given critical content. The short-term potential may be entertainment, but long-term, this prototype could advance building sciences and design.;Contemporary concepts of architectural performance and interactivity have expanded the appeal of theatre, gaming and cinema into recreation spaces. Public spectators wish to participate in their communities, and ask architecture to facilitate this indusion. As new technologies raise questions of application, architecture could help discover socially conscious answers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Architectural, Entertainment
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