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Mandolin Engine (Original writing, Poetry)

Posted on:2006-01-10Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Staley, BethFull Text:PDF
Mandolin Engine is a collection of lyrical poems, mostly translations of dreams or those dream-like moments when sensation, memory, and meditation converge. In these poems, what happens always seems to ride the coattails of what the dream or moment feels like. So the language lives on the verge of surrealism; similes quest for immediacy and accuracy, coughing up metaphors---especially ones that love impossibility, like the mandolin engine. Interested in those hours after the town is painted red and before sunrise brags, this work exists in the solace of intimate landscapes---those of both the natural world and of emotion. The engaged sensibility constantly desires and reconsiders precision with beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mandolin engine
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