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Architecture's role in nation-building: The Palestinian National Library

Posted on:2006-09-25Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Sproul, Anthony OFull Text:PDF
Social, cultural and political agendas often play a key role in the conception of architecture, as does the regional climate, regional history and surrounding context. The carceral image of Palestine created by the architectural narrative of place plays an important role in shaping the image and political predisposition towards Palestinians.; The Palestinian National Library is a series of stories that expose some aspects of Palestinian cultural identity. This is accomplished through the relationship between the viewer, their perception and interpretation, and the architectural intentions explained through the conceptual embodiment of the project. The architecture can be read through the relationship between human interaction and metaphoric interpretation as shaped by our understanding of architecture and subsequently by our understanding of place. Thus, the library serves to forge a new identity for the Palestinian people, an identity that recognizes their past while offering a living tableau on which to write their future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Palestinian, Role, Architecture
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