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Optimum Design And Load Flow Analysis Of Palestinian Electrical Network

Posted on:2015-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M R a m i O t h m a n RuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422990795Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian Territories since1948seriouslyaffected the Palestinian economy which is keep suffering from major distortions andunderdevelopment. The Palestinian infrastructures of West Bank and Gaza has beendestroyed by Israeli military several times, power transmission lines, stations, transformershad seriously damage from time to time, during the second intifada (2000-2006) the militarybombed the only power plant located in Gaza and2million people forced to live without anyelectricity for several months.The lack of strongly infrastructure delayed any possibility for real development inelectricity network. And so electricity sector in the Palestinian land controlled by the politicalshocks which cause a lack of investment,high cost and prices, high rate of transmissionlosses and low power quality.The wind energy will be discussed and analyzed as suggested sustainable source ofpower, wind data shows that Ramallah and Nablus city in west bank have good wind energyand economical calculation will done for30Kw and55Kw wind turbine in both locations.This study considered the electrical network in West Bank without Gaza strip since itscompletely isolated from Palestinian lands and forced to survive on limited Israeli andEgyptian supplies which is achieve30%of real demands, also Gaza own huge source ofnatural gas which could solve all power problems if its invested in power generation. Thestudy provide various configurations for an AC HV for the West Bank network, the load flowon the selected optimum configuration to get the optimize design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Palestinian
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