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Gender roles of ecopsychology in the field of landscape architecture

Posted on:2005-12-19Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Dunlap, Josh RandallFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008479387Subject:Landscape architecture
Ecopsychology is a combination of ecology, "the science of the relationship between organisms and their environments," and psychology, "the science of mental processes and behavior" (http: // The role of ecopsychology in landscape architecture is an important but little understood topic among practitioners and academics in the field. This thesis proposes an approach to ecopsychology that includes the role of landscape architects and their expertise in the building of natural environments. The scope and range of landscape architecture is broad and can include an understanding of nature's role in man's psychological well-being. Since ecopsychology is more artistic and less clinically-oriented than environmental psychology, it seems the perfect fit to combine with the profession of landscape architecture, which is based on creativity, artistic vision and science. In support of ecopsychology, the implications of this research paper suggest that landscape architecture would benefit from extending its boundaries to understand its own importance and its role in the psychological well-being of man and his relationship with nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecopsychology, Landscape architecture, Role
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