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The constructive systems engineering cost model (COSYSMO)

Posted on:2006-04-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Valerdi, RicardoFull Text:PDF
This dissertation presents a parametric model that can help people reason about their cost decisions related to systems engineering. COSYSMO, the Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model, is an "open" model which contains eighteen parameters: four size drivers and fourteen effort multipliers. It is built on a framework similar to its well-known predecessor, COCOMO II, and integrates accepted systems engineering standards to define its scope.; Funded by industry affiliates, the model focuses on large-scale systems for aerospace applications which employ a disciplined approach to systems engineering. Data was collected from six aerospace companies in the form of expert opinion and historical project data to define and calibrate the model. In reduced form, the model yields a PRED(30) of 50% for programs within a defined productivity range. In principle, the model should apply similarly to commercial systems engineering, but there is a lack of data to test this hypothesis.; The ultimate contributions of this dissertation can be found in at least two major areas: (a) in the theoretical and methodological domain of systems modeling in the quest of a more quantitative cost estimation framework, and (b) in advancing the state of practice in the assessment and tracking of systems engineering in large aerospace systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Systems engineering
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