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On the relationship between mobile technology and quality of life

Posted on:2011-02-06Degree:M.P.PType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Mohr, AprilFull Text:PDF
A recent study by the Pew Internet Project measured American sentiment about the economy alongside various demographic and technology factors. Using the data from this study, I found a statistically significant positive relationship between ownership of mobile devices (laptops and cell phones) and reported quality of life scores. This relationship is present even when controlling for demographic factors such as age, education, and income.I theorize that this effect reflects a cultural and psychological dependency on mobile connectedness brought about by the sudden omnipresence of the Internet. Recent literature on the effects of this transition to the so-called "information society" provides a wide spectrum of views on how we are affected by the new digital frontier. I find the evidence supporting a positive net benefit from information dependency much more compelling, and the statistical finding described in this document further supports that view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship, Mobile
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