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A Design Framework for Collective Inquiry Learning Environments =Um Framework de Design para Ambientes de Aprendizagem Baseada em Investigação Coletiv

Posted on:2018-03-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Carvalho, RenatoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390002495937Subject:Educational technology
This thesis describes a design-based research study of a recent KCI implementation in a whole-class inquiry elementary science curriculum called WallCology, focusing on the interaction design aspects of its technological support. From that, the thesis builds a framework for HCI design for the specific context of Knowledge Community and Inquiry (KCI), a CSCL model that guides the design of collective inquiry curriculum in which students work together to advance their collective progress on a set of well defined learning goals. This design framework comprises a series of conceptual design principles, guidelines for implementing a visual language for interface design, and an ontology of human-computer interactions that could emerge in a KCI enactment, with examples of GUI design solutions to support them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inquiry, KCI, Framework, Collective
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