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Echo Boomers' perceptions and preferences for green classrooms

Posted on:2011-01-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Sadeghi-Tabrizi, FaribaFull Text:PDF
This study investigated (1) Echo Boomers' perceptions and preferences for green classrooms and (2) Echo Boomers' perceptions and preferences for teachers who use electronic technology, especially, to green their classrooms. Self-determination Theory provided the framework for investigating Echo Boomers' motivation for proenvironmental preferences and practices. To investigate Echo Boomers' eco-friendly inclinations, a survey was administered and focus-group interviews were conducted. Responses to survey questions indicated that Echo Boomers are knowledgeable about global warming, concerned about environmental issues, and have adopted proenvironmental practices such as recycling and purchasing eco-friendly products. Participants' responses to focus group discussions indicated knowledge and preference for green classrooms and teachers' effective use of electronic technology. Participants' responses signify extrinsic motivation (external motivating factors such as rewards, punishments, and desired results) for eco-friendly practices. Implications of Echo Boomers' perceptions and preferences for green classrooms and technology-savvy teachers as well as limitations of the study are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preferences for green classrooms, Echo boomers, Environmental
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