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Understanding usability and user experience of a technology enhanced role-playing system

Posted on:2011-07-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Jadhav, Kavita ArunFull Text:PDF
This case study focuses on usability and user experience issues to do with the Discovery Center, a World War II simulation that includes interactive media elements, challenging scenarios and a physical maze. Data from observations, interviews and surveys with eighty-eight secondary students, teachers and museum staff who actually interacted with the learning system, was analyzed descriptively. The triangulation of data identified patterns of use, user experience and the effectiveness, learnability, safety, utility and efficiency of the learning systems. Participants provided valuable feedback that informs the current instructional design, technical aspects and can be used to improve the contextual learning environment of the learning system. Findings from this investigation have yielded high priority and second priority recommendations for the project team comprising of software developers, instructional designers, and the stakeholders of Discovery Centre. Study findings can be used to inform the instructional design and the functional components of role playing systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:User experience
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