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Design Techniques for Low Voltage Wideband Delta-Sigma Modulator

Posted on:2011-06-05Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Candidate:He, XiaoyongFull Text:PDF
The development of low-voltage design techniques for analog circuits has recently received a lot of attention due to the continuous shrinking of the supply voltage in modern CMOS technologies, which is projected to reduce to 0.5V for low power applications within ten years in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor. This thesis focuses on developing circuit techniques for low-voltage delta-sigma modulator, a functional block that is widely used in mixed-signal integrated circuits. Several delta-sigma modulators operating at supply voltages below 0.9V have been reported in the open literature. However, none of them supports a signal bandwidth wider than 100kHz with a reasonable performance.;In this thesis, we present research works on developing a low-voltage delta-sigma modulator with a wide signal bandwidth. Specifically, a 0.5V complex low-pass continuous-time (CT) third-order delta-sigma modulator that has a single-sided signal bandwidth of 1MHz, targeting for application in Bluetooth receivers, is presented without using any internal voltage boosting techniques which are potentially harmful to the reliability of the device. The wide bandwidth of the modulator at this low supply voltage is enabled by a special common-mode (CM) level arrangement in the system level and by new low-voltage amplifies. Realized in a 0.13mum CMOS process the proposed modulator achieves a 61.9-dB peak signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio at the nominal supply of 0.5V with 3.4mW consumption, and occupies an active area of 0.9mm2. The modulator achieves the best figure-of-merit among its class.;Furthermore, a new dynamic CM level shifting technique for low-voltage CT delta-sigma modulators that employ a return-to-open feedback DAC is reported in the thesis. The technique maintains a stable CM level at the amplifier's inputs for this type of modulators. Simulation results show that it improves the modulator's SNDR by 11%.;Finally, another new 0.5V fully differential wideband amplifier, which can be used in the wideband modulator, has been proposed. The gate-input two-stage amplifier employs a DC common-mode feedback circuit that uses a Miller-amplified capacitor for its frequency compensation. With the proposed technique, the power consumption of the low-voltage amplifier is drastically reduced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Voltage, Technique, Low, Delta-sigma modulator, Wideband
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