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Creative Drama and Creative Movement in Montessori elementary education

Posted on:2011-04-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Lipman, LaurenFull Text:PDF
Montessori education at the elementary level (ages 6-9) is based on principles such as child-centeredness, individualized education, the importance of imagination, concrete experiences prior to abstraction, and a focus on moral education. Creative Drama and Creative Movement, both process-oriented art forms that allow children to control their own learning, can be used to enhance Montessori lessons for this age. This study demonstrates how Creative Drama and Creative Movement relate philosophically to the Montessori educational method. It includes an examination of literature on the topics of drama and movement found in Montessori publications. A series of lesson plans related to subject areas typically covered in a Montessori classroom demonstrates the practical use of these performing arts for teaching the Montessori elementary curriculum. The lessons have been implemented with children in a Montessori environment, and the author discusses this process, noting successes and making suggestions for future implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Montessori, Creative drama and creative movement, Elementary, Education
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