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The impacts of cognitive and affective values on tradeshow exhibitor's overall satisfaction and future behaviors

Posted on:2008-11-01Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Kang, JuheeFull Text:PDF
Attracting and retaining customers is a main issue for show management, due to the increasing competitive matter of the exposition industry. Exhibitors are more demanding and more selective of the shows in which they will participate. Thus, understanding what exhibitors want and how they perceive a tradeshow is crucial for show managers to attract and attain their exhibitors.;The purpose of this study is to examine the multiple dimensions of perceived value (monetary, social and emotional) on trade show exhibitor satisfaction and future behavior (willingness to pay, word-of-mouth behavior, and loyalty). This study examined perceptions of exhibitors at a hospitality tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada. This research investigated which factors in perceived value dimensions are expected to influence exhibitors' satisfaction and their future behaviors. The estimation of perceived value was conducted through evaluating both cognitive and affective perceived value dimensions. The study examined what a perceived value has a positive relationship with satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Each of the perceived value dimensions can be identified to help show managers develop effective marketing strategies and provide customized services which may lead to positive results for exhibitors' future behaviors.;This study found that price fairness and social value are positively related to willingness to pay and that perceived quality is indirectly related to customer behaviors through satisfaction. Emotional value was determined as an important factor to influence both satisfaction and customer behaviors. Emotional value has a direct impact on exhibitors' behaviors and an indirect impact on their behavioral intentions through satisfaction. This study exhibited more powerful impacts when perceived value indirectly influence on exhibitors' behaviors. The result of this study indicated that both cognitive and affective perceived values are considered to be important in exhibitors' decision making process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Value, Cognitive and affective, Show, Satisfaction, Behaviors, Future, Exhibitors'
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