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New courses, better chances: A revision of the contemporary English major to include English professional courses

Posted on:2007-05-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Roosevelt UniversityCandidate:Galo, Katherine EFull Text:PDF
For many years, the focus of English programs has been to give students a thorough education in literature studies, critical theory, composition, and cultural studies. Despite various changes, there exists a problem: the need for English majors to receive both a degree in English studies and skills that transfer to the "professional" world. Therefore I propose the undergraduate major English Professional, an alternative major which would include courses that reflect possible careers, and provide an academic introduction to those career choices.; I have developed nine courses, with descriptions, book lists, and syllabi. I will give a description of the major's requirements, ways to undertake it, and how students benefit. I have included recent research on English curriculum revision. To show the need for such a major, I will be comparing my program to what is available at existing comparable English departments at four urban, liberal arts colleges.
Keywords/Search Tags:English, Major, Courses, Professional
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