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Childhood influences on presidential decision making: Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Posted on:2008-10-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Barreras, Charles A., JrFull Text:PDF
Childhood Influences on Presidential Decisionmaking examines the conditions and circumstances of the childhood and young adulthood of Thomas Woodrow Wilson as the foundations and basis for his administration of Princeton University, the Governorship of the State of New Jersey, his Presidency, and International Diplomacy in the early Twentieth Century. The events and experiences of Wilson's youth and young adulthood were the fundamental and underlying bases for his policies, politics, beliefs, and actions during the early part of the Twentieth Century. Wilson's Presidency has had an impact on succeeding administrations, American Foreign Policy, and world politics into the Twenty-first Century. Wilson as statesman and international peacemaker is examined under the view that the events and experiences of his childhood in a tumultuous era of American History, influenced his decisionmaking processes, values, and policies, and changed the face of the American Presidency and International policy into the Twenty-first Century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Childhood, Century
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