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Religion and sports apparel consumption: An exploratory study of the Muslim market

Posted on:2010-11-13Degree:M.H.KType:Thesis
University:University of Windsor (Canada)Candidate:Shreim, MuradFull Text:PDF
The role of religion as a key factor of culture in consumer behaviour is not well-established. This research fulfilled the calls of many studies that suggested examining the relationship between religion and consumer behaviour including sports consumption behaviour. An empirical investigation was conducted to explore the relationship between Islam and sport clothing shopping behaviour taking into account the possible effects of age, sex, income, and sport participation. 265 Adult immigrant Muslims residing in Windsor, participated in this study. The results of this study indicated that Muslim consumers were looking for quality sport clothing that acknowledges their Islamic obligation. Creating branded, fashionable, and quality sport clothing with Islamic obligation could stimulate higher levels of participation. Sport clothing shopping behaviour for Muslims with low levels of religiosity were affected by age, sex, income, and sport participation similar to Western consumers, while sport clothing shopping behaviour for Muslims with higher levels of religiosity were only affected by age and sport participation; the interaction effects, sex and income, were found to be not relevant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sport, Religion
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