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A Foucauldian analysis of religion and sexuality within sport

Posted on:2012-06-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Tubera, John LFull Text:PDF
This research examines the discursive space where religion, sexuality and sport collide. The site of study is a Protestant Christian university whose mission states that the university is welcoming of students regardless of their ethnic, religious, or sexual orientation backgrounds. Drawing from post-structuralism, queer theory and queer theology, this research attempts to illustrate how this specific institution, as well as the broader social and cultural institution of sport, operates regarding sexuality and religion.;Interviews with student-athletes and university faculty examined how everyday experiences of individuals participating in the institution are negotiated. Additionally, document collection and observation of athletic competitions also served to triangulate the data for a richer understanding of the institution.;Several major themes emerged such as the presence and absence of Christianity in language and discourse, the privileging of the heterosexual over the homosexual-Other, and the body as a site of theological practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Religion, Sexuality
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