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Sense of proper time in Samuel Hui's Cantonese popular songs

Posted on:2010-10-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Tang, Katherine Kio IanFull Text:PDF
Ever since its birth, many popular songs have been yearning to become successful in gaining publicity in the society. Many factors could influence one song to become popular and accepted by the audience: melodies and lyrics of the song, vocal talents and image of the singer, and even promotional strategies and reputation of the record company. However, the function of proper time, which is a concept originated from the Book of Changes and has been emphasized by later scholars, cannot be ignored in accounting the success of popular songs. This thesis studies the sense of proper time in popular songs. It analyzes the timing relationship between the publication, distribution, and acceptance of Samuel Hui's songs by studying Hong Kong's commercialization and mass media, as well as the emergence of Hong Kong's local consciousness. It also analyzes the sense of proper time embedded inside the lyrical contents of Hui's songs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Songs, Proper time, Sense, Hui's
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