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Researches On Frege's Theory Of Sense

Posted on:2011-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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G. Frege is a famous mathematician, logician and philosopher, the founder of modern mathematical logic, also the founder of language philosophy and analytic philosophy. The fundamental task of philosophy is logical analysis of language. The core of Frege philosophy of language is his theory of sense, which is Frege's major contribution to the philosophy of language. Frege is designed for the entry point name of the language, concepts, words and sentences, which are language-level things, sentence is as a whole, proper names and concepts are parts of the sentence. The essence of language is not the symbol of the voice and writing itself, but rather carry the meaning of symbols. Frege tried to discover their sense and reference through these on the language level. Frege's theory of the sense is the language center of philosophy, the researches of modern western philosophy of language is significant.In Frege's argument, he distincts between the sense and reference of symbol and explains relationship among the symbols, the sense of symbols and reference of symbols. For proper names, Frege believe that it has own sense and reference. Concepts can distinguish its sense and reference. Reference of concepts is the concepts, not the objects, concepts must have sense, sense of concepts take part in its sense in the sentence. As for the theory of sense and reference of the sentence, Frege believes that the sense of the sentence is the expression of their thoughts, the reference of the sentence is its true value. The sense of a sentence constitutes the sense of the whole sentence, the reference of the sentence means the sentence is part of the means identified. This article then examines the critiques from Russell, Searle, and Kripke, on basis of these, summerizing the merits and dismerits of Frege's theory of sense, putting forward some new views.
Keywords/Search Tags:sense, reference, proper names, concept, sentence
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