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Development of an interactive reviewing tool for enhancing training of nocturnal home hemodialysis patients

Posted on:2008-10-18Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Lamsdale, Allison MFull Text:PDF
The need for alternative training materials for nocturnal home hemodialysis (NHD) patients has led to the development of a procedurally based, interactive training review tool to reinforce the knowledge and the skills necessary for patients to administer treatment in order to reduce the anxiety experienced by patients. A systematic analysis of the training programme was conducted using Work Domain Analysis and a Task Analysis to define and understand hemodialysis, and to identify the training requirements of NHD patients. These analyses guided the development of the prototyped tool by specifying the steps and order necessary to complete the task. A prototyped Interactive Training Review Tool was developed, incorporating both video and procedural information on how to establish access in administering hemodialysis treatment. By presenting the prototype to subject matter experts (Nurse Trainers) in a home hemodialysis clinic, an initial evaluation was carried out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Home hemodialysis, Training, Development
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