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An exploration of patient experiences in training for nocturnal home hemodialysis

Posted on:2008-04-25Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Wong, JeanniferFull Text:PDF
Purpose. To explore patient training experiences related to the self-administration of hemodialysis at home.; Method. Qualitative interviews and focus group study using a grounded theory approach with 23 ESRD patients and caregivers who have participated in Toronto General Hospital's Nocturnal Hemodialysis training program.; Results. Anxiety and fear, peer support, empathy and understanding from the clinician, and compatibility of patient learning preferences with current training practices, are themes that frame how patients regard their experience as a trainee in the NHD training program.; Conclusions. Prior to this study, it was thought that technology related concerns posed the greatest barrier to patient training. It was found that psycho-social factors, not technological ones, were the largest concern among patients. If the trend of patient self-treatment at home continues to increase, it is important for clinician educators to consider the psycho-social factors that can act as barriers to effective patient training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Training, Patient, Home
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