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Comparacion temporal y espacial de factores bioticos y abioticos en la Bahia Bioluminiscente en La Parguera y Puerto Mosquito en Vieques

Posted on:2008-08-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Soler Figueroa, Brenda MariaFull Text:PDF
Bioluminescent bays are unique natural marine ecosystems. Some of their principal characteristics are that they are relatively shallow, surrounded by mangrove systems and have a narrow entrance to the sea. Two bioluminescent bays in Puerto Rico (Bahia Bioluminiscente and Puerto Mosquito) were surveyed monthly throughout one year (January 2003 to December 2003). The main objective of this study was to determine whether the differences in abundance and composition of the principal dinoflagellate populations between the two bays are due to differences in nutrient concentrations. This study confirms that there are significant differences in the species composition between the two bays: Pyrodinium bahamense is the numerically dominant species of dinoflagellate in Puerto Mosquito, with an annual average concentration of 286,411 cells/l. The annual average concentration in Bahia Bioluminiscente was 50,618 cells/l. On the other hand, in Bahia Bioluminiscente Ceratium furca dominated over P. bahamense part of the year with an annual concentration of 97,850 cells/l; the concentration in Puerto Mosquito was 11,172 cells/l. A two-way ANOVA test found no significant differences in nutrient concentrations between Bahia Bioluminiscente and Puerto Mosquito. Therefore, this study suggests that nutrient concentrations is not the causal factor of the differences in dinoflagellate populations between the two bays.
Keywords/Search Tags:Puerto mosquito, Bahia bioluminiscente, Bays, Nutrient concentrations
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