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La obesidad en la ninez: Pesos y contrapesos desde las voces de protagonistas del contexto escolar en Puerto Rico

Posted on:2016-09-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico)Candidate:De Leon-Lozada, AnnetteFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017477514Subject:Social work
In recent decades, obesity rates have increased dramatically with an alarming trend among children. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and additional statistical data, in Puerto Rico more than 30% of the pediatric population is experiencing or at risk of being overweight-obese. This group tends to present health conditions previously associated with adulthood. They are also exposed to stigmatization, inequality, harassment and exclusion due to body size affecting their psychosocial status and sense of well-being.;Obesity is evident in schools and those that participate in federal nutrition programs are required by law to establish a local wellness policy (Federal Public Law 108.265 of June 30, 2004, Section 204). Consequently, the phenomenon of obesity linked to schools is emerging as an important topic in research and the wellbeing policy agenda. Therefore, the purpose of this study was: 1) To assess children and parental custodians' meanings and ideas regarding childhood obesity; (2) To assess school authorities' meanings and ideas regarding childhood obesity through the perspectives of school principals and social workers; and (3) Understand the diversity of meanings and ideas toward childhood obesity presented by both groups focusing the analysis in the factors that influence obesity prevention according to guidelines of the Federal Public Law 108.265, Section 204.;Due to an ample exposition of quantitative research on obesity in Puerto Rico, a qualitative study embedded in social constructionism and discourse analysis was implemented. Semi-structured interviews to students aged 9-12 years, parental custodians and school authorities were conducted. A discussion group with nine children was organized to gather insight on their opinions through school-related activities framed in the promotion of children's rights. Demonization, dehumanization, loneliness and harassment for reasons of weight, and discourses of aggression and death linked to obesity, were dramatic. The remarkable adults' inaction demonstrated lack of recognition required under Public Law 108.265. Findings led to propose an approach that prioritizes living in society and a prevention culture based on solidarity, equity and social respect. An island-wide policy, including a physical-nutritional and social wellness school project, is proposed for an inclusive and more sensitive obesity prevention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Obesity, Puerto, School, Social, Prevention
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