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Determinacion de la presencia de Campylobacter jejuni por PCR en pollos parrilleros en granjas avicolas de Puerto Rico

Posted on:2009-04-20Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Rebollo Carratto, Fernando RFull Text:PDF
The presence of Campylobacter jejuni was studied in broiler chickens in poultry houses in south central Puerto Rico, during April and May of 2005. The sample was fresh feces collected from the chicken bed in different points of the poultry house. Part of the samples were transported to the Laboratory of Microbiology in the Department of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus (UPRM) and the other part was sent to Laboratory of Poultry Science at Auburn University for genetic studies. The samples isolated at UPRM in mCCDA (modified Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate Agar) and CCA (Campy cemex Agar) plates showed the presence of Campylobacter confirmed by phase microscopy observation. The samples sent to Auburn University after recuperation were tested with PCR and antibiotic resistance. The PCR result confirmed every sample tested was Campylobacter jejuni.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campylobacter jejuni, PCR, Puerto
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