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Proposition d'une methode de developpement d'un systeme d'aide a la prise de decision parametrable dans la securite du batiment

Posted on:2007-11-07Degree:M.IngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Huo-Yue-Chang, LaurentFull Text:PDF
The contribution of this thesis consists in giving a method and a development scheme for a help system in safety decision of public buildings. This tool allows the user who is in charge of safety to keep his or her self-control and to be advised to ensure the safety of building occupants against a danger. The thesis plan, which gives the creation scheme of the tool, begins with the study of public buildings, safety standards of several countries before comparing them depending on the type of danger. The scheme means to create a data-base with well organized and graded emergency procedures to access and show easily and quickly the information. The method works as long as established simplifying hypothesis are respected. According to standards, these simplifications restrictively reduce the procedures to make the reading easier. The scheme ends with the user-friendly design of dynamic pages for input/output of information, and some tests to check and improve the system. The thesis ends with the suggestion of further developments by referring to new information and interoperability technologies. From these statements, the scheme turns out to be useful to create a help system in safety during the construction step of smart building or especially for existing buildings.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Safety, Scheme
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